Five Easy Ways To Order:

1. Print and FAX this order form to (604) 278-8549, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

2. PHONE 778-229-8154 using your Visa or MC credit card.

3. EMAIL your order with VISA or MC credit card information to johnkaplan@fundraisingmagic.com
....(split your credit card info into 2 or 3 emails for security)

4. PAYPAL your order to johnkaplan@fundraisingmagic.com

5. Print and MAIL this order form to Abracadabra Show Productions, 383 - 13988 Cambie Rd , Richmond BC V6V 2K4




City______________________________ State ______________ Zip _______________

Phone_____________________ Email________________________________________

YES, I’d like to order SANTA APPEARS!

______ SANTA APPEARS! at $35.00 ............................................................ $_________ 

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*Shipping …..... $ 5.00

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(Canada only add 5% gst) …. $

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(BC residents only add 7% pst) …. $

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Total investment …….. $__________ (US)

*International Shipping $12.50

Payment Method:

____ Check/MO

____ VISA / MC # __________________________________________ exp date ____________

Cardholder Signature ____________________________________________________________


Abracadabra Show Productions, Inc
383 - 13988 Cambie Rd , Richmond BC V6V 2K4
ph: 778-229-8154 fax: (604)278-8549 email: johnkaplan@fundraisingmagic.com